Is digital design same as graphic design?

While graphic design focuses primarily on static designs, digital design involves movement, such as animation, interactive pages, and 2D or 3D modeling. Digital designers create images and elements that will end up on a screen, whether it's a computer screen, a telephone screen, a control panel, or any other digital format. The main difference between graphic design and digital design is that graphic design is mainly static (logos, magazines, images, etc.) Digital design not only uses visual arts, but can also include audio and sound effects. Another important distinction between digital and graphic design is the importance of metrics and data.

Graphic designers find it harder to monitor the success of print products, but in the digital realm, you can track your performance through views, touches, likes and shared actions. Digital designers now have more evidence to analyze to refine their designs, as well as the ability to test their designs with a target audience. Digital design is a type of visual communication that presents information or a product or service through a digital interface. In a nutshell, it's a graphic design made specifically for use on computers.

They focus mainly on preprinted materials and develop the design of advertisements, magazines, corporate reports and brochures. Graphic design began with print work, specifically the design of brochures, magazines, flyers, books, and other physical advertising material. The graphic designer's work can be seen everywhere, from the big billboards you see on the side of the road to the aluminum cans in which your favorite beverages come. While some of these techniques can be taught to graphic artists, most of these visual arts production professionals specialize in animation or motion graphics.

Many digital artists specialize in one or more areas, such as background design, visual effects, and character design. Responsive web design ensures that web pages are designed to adapt to various screen formats, such as laptops and tablets. As with traditional printed books, e-book designs encompass the cover and the typesetting inside. To learn more about how research, data and design come together to benefit users, visit Fuselab Creative.

Many digital designs are based on skills from the graphic designer's handbook, such as brand implementation and typographic design. They usually have backgrounds in animated graphics, video editing, digital audio processing, and screenwriting. It's easy to think of design systems as the “digital design version” of graphic design style guides, but they are much more. The line between digital design and graphic design is further blurred when designers move to a digital or computerized environment.

The difference comes down to the medium (printed or digital) in which viewers usually find the design product.

Ian Russell
Ian Russell

Extreme food trailblazer. Professional twitter specialist. Zombie maven. Certified bacon fanatic. Hardcore beer specialist. Extreme beer practitioner.